Defending Rape, Sexual Abuse, Prostitution & Indecent Exposure
A sex crime is an illegal act relating to sex or sexual touching. Sex offenses can range in severity from simply suggestive or inappropriate behavior to physical and violent attacks. In California, sex crimes are among the most serious and harshly penalized crimes, which is why they demand the attention of experienced and proven criminal defense lawyers.
Have questions about sex crimes in Orange County? Contact us today for a FREE & confidential case review.
Sex crimes are some of the most harshly viewed offenses, and they present a number of difficulties for individuals facing these charges. Due to the strong social views surrounding sex crimes, for example, accused individuals may face judgment and treatment before they’re ever tried or convicted of any wrongdoing. After convictions, the limitations and social consequences of being a sex offender can be extreme.
Sex Crime Defense
At the Law Offices of Virginia L. Landry, our OC defense attorneys are able to review sex crime cases and explain how we may be of assistance.
Common sex crimes include:
- Child pornography
- Internet sex crimes
- Sexual assault or abuse
- Rape, including statutory rape
California penalizes sex offenders harshly, often with lengthy terms of imprisonment. Additionally, some sex crime convictions may require individuals to register as a sex offender with the California sex offender registry. This requires them to meet a number of registration and monitoring regulations and makes their information available to the public.
Sex offender registration is considered one of the toughest penalties associated with sex crimes, as it can create serious long-term barriers. Schools, landlords, employers, and neighbors can easily access this information. Skilled lawyers can work on defense strategies to fight against charges and possible sex offender registration.
Want more information? Call for a free consultation today!
Sex crime allegations demand the immediate attention of skilled criminal defense lawyers. Whether you are under investigation for a sex crime or have already been charged, our legal team is here to protect your rights during every step of your legal journey. You can request a free and confidential consultation with an Orange County criminal defense attorney from our firm.