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Law Offices of Virginia L. Landry, Inc. Law Offices of Virginia L. Landry, Inc.
Available 24/7 949-694-8804

Can You Avoid Jail Time After a Second DUI?

If you've been charged with a second DUI, you face serious penalties, such as hefty fines, suspended driver's license, and jail time. You may be wondering what you can do to avoid jail time and reduce your penalties if you face DUI charges. Our Orange County DUI lawyers explain what you can do to prevent jail time after facing repeat DUI charges.

If you are facing 2nd DUI charges, it is vital to contact our Orange County DUI attorneys today at 949-694-8804 to schedule a consultation!

What Are the Penalties for a Second DUI?

In California, if you are convicted of a second DUI within ten years of a previous DUI conviction, the penalties will be much more severe. A second DUI can still be charged as a misdemeanor, but it can result in mandatory jail time of 96 hours and a maximum of one year in jail. Other penalties include hefty fines, DUI classes, and a license suspension. You may also be required to insert an ignition interlock device in your vehicle.

How to Avoid Jail Time

Although there is a mandatory minimum jail time required for those with repeat DUI offenses, it is possible to get bail or to get an early release. In some cases, courts are willing to approve house arrest. An experienced attorney can analyze your case and help you find an alternative to avoid jail time after a second DUI. A DUI lawyer can also prepare a strong defense on your behalf to help you get your charges reduced or even dismissed.

Call Our Orange County DUI Defense Lawyers Today!

If you face 2nd DUI charges, you only have 10 days to act. Our team of competent DUI defense lawyers can defend your Constitutional rights and assist you in avoiding a criminal conviction and the suspension of your driver's license. Our Orange County DUI defense lawyers are dedicated to providing aggressive and personalized legal counsel to clients who have been arrested for drunk driving offenses of all kinds.
